Chippewa Falls High School
Course Book

2021-2022 School Year


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Home / Departments / Business & Marketing / Accounting 3 (TC) ***
Course ID:
Course Title:
Accounting 3 (TC) ***

Course Description:

One Quarter

Open to grades 11 and 12

Prerequisites:  Successful completion of Accounting 2 with a grade of C or better

In this class, you will have the opportunity to develop a strong accounting base needed for a post-secondary business or accounting degree. If you are planning to pursue a business or accounting degree and/or business career after high school, this class is for you.

This course is transcripted with CVTC.  Students in this course who are successful in completing the requirements for the program can earn free college credits at CVTC.  These credits may transfer to many other two- and four-year colleges and universities, including UWEC.

Is this course required or is it an elective:

How many credits is this course:

Is this course a one or two quarter class:

Open to Grades...