Chippewa Falls High School
Course Book

2021-2022 School Year


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Home / Departments / Technology Education / Civil Engineer/Architec (PLTW)
Course ID:
Course Title:
Civil Engineer/Architec (PLTW)

Course Description:

Two Quarters: Must be taken with 833A Civil Engineer/Architec (PLTW)

Open to grades 10, 11 and 12

Civil Engineering and Architecture is the study of the design and construction of residential and commercial building projects.  The course includes an introduction to many of the varied factors involved in building design and construction including building components and systems, structural design, storm water management, site design, utilities and services, cost estimation, energy efficiency, and careers in the design and construction industry.

The major focus of the CEA course is to expose students to the design and construction of residential and commercial building projects, design teams and teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation.

Is this course required or is it an elective:

How many credits is this course:

Is this course a one or two quarter class:

Open to Grades...