Chippewa Falls High School
Course Book

2021-2022 School Year


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Home / Departments / Technology Education / Comp Science Essentials (PLTW)
Course ID:
Course Title:
Comp Science Essentials (PLTW)

Course Description:

Two Quarters: Must be taken with 808B Comp Science Essentials (PLTW)

Open to grades 9 and 10

Computer Science Essentials is designed to be the first computer science course for students who have never programmed before, and as an optional starting point for the PLTW Computer Science program.  Students work individually and in teams to create apps for mobile devices using MIT App Inventor, Vex Studio, and Python.  They also explore the impact of computing in society, along with building skills in digital citizenship and cybersecurity.  Beyond learning the fundamentals of programming, students also build computational-thinking skills by applying computer science to collaboration tools, modeling and simulation, and data analysis.  Students transfer the understanding of programming gained in App Inventor to text-based programming in Python, and apply their knowledge to create algorithms for games of chance and strategy.

Is this course required or is it an elective:

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Is this course a one or two quarter class:

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