Two Quarters: Must be taken with 238A AP US Gov't & Politics ***
Open to grades 11 and 12 with Social Studies Department approval
AP U.S. Government and Politics is an intensive study of the government of the United States. It is a year-long course that looks at the formal and informal structures of our government, and includes a study and evaluation of the political system that runs it. The course is designed to help students develop an understanding and appreciation for how the political system works, and how it influences and touches the lives of every American. Also, it is designed to help students understand how their participation in the system is important to its survival. Students will develop a critical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the American political system, as well as their rights and responsibilities. The approval of the Social Studies Department is required before enrollment is accepted in this course. Additionally, acceptance may be contingent upon completion of a qualifying essay/assignment.
Students may earn college credit by successfully completing the national Advanced Placement Examination given in May each year. A fee is charged for taking this examination.