Chippewa Falls High School
Course Book

2021-2022 School Year


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Home / Departments / Science / AP Phys 1-Algebra Based ***
Course ID:
Course Title:
AP Phys 1-Algebra Based ***

Course Description:

Two Quarters: Must be taken with 331B AP Phys 1-Algebra Based ***

Open to grades 10, 11, and 12

Prerequisite:  Accelerated Algebra 2 with a grade of C or higher, or written consent of instructor. General Physics is not a prerequisite for AP Physics

AP Physics is a course designed for students planning to attend college or technical school following high school. While it is helpful to all students, it is especially valuable to students hoping to enter manufacturing, science, agriculture, medical, and related fields of technology. Areas of study include motion, energy, and basic electric circuits.  This course is based on considerable experimentation, lecture, discussion, and demonstration. Emphasis is on the theoretical and mathematical background needed to prepare a good foundation for a future science or math course.

NOTE:  The science department offers three different introductory physics courses. Students must take a course in physics and can choose from: Physical Science B (quarter long), General Physics (two quarters long), or AP Physics (two quarters long). Please read the course descriptions carefully, or see your current science teacher for a recommendation.

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