Chippewa Falls High School
Course Book

2021-2022 School Year


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Home / Departments / Health Science (Care) / Medical Terminology (TC) ***
Course ID:
Course Title:
Medical Terminology (TC) ***

Course Description:

One Quarter

Open to grades 11 and 12

Prerequisites:  Health Science Occupations 1 and Language of Medicine with a "C" or better

If you are interested in pursuing a health science career or want a jump start on your anatomy and physiology class or medical field before starting college, this class is for you. Medical Terminology is designed to teach the language used within the body systems. An emphasis is placed on word roots, prefixes and suffixes as well as the anatomy and diseases of the body.There will be an emphasis on spelling, definition, and pronunciation.  Included will be an introduction to operative, diagnostic, therapeutic, terminology of all body systems, as well as systemic and surgical terminology.  It will involve memorizing hundreds of medical terms. This class will have the rigor of a 3 credit college class so students must be prepared to know this ahead of time.

This course is transcripted with Chippewa Valley Technical College.  This means that students who successfully meet the requirements of this course can earn free credits at CVTC!  These credits are transferrable to other colleges and universities in WIsconsin as well.

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Open to Grades...