Enter your Estimated Fair Market Property Value (FMV):
Property Value:
You can find your FMV on your January 2017 property tax bill. FMV is also known as equalized property value,
which equally distributes state, county and local taxes between taxpayers.
Your estimated maximum property tax rate increase per $1,000 FMV for School debt payments (beginning 2018-2019)
Your estimated annual maximum property tax rate increase for School debt payments
Your estimated monthly maximum property tax rate increase for School debt payments
Preliminary tax impact estimates are based on 20-year borrowings issued over multiple years assuming market interest rates plus 1.00-2.00%
Tertiary Aid Impact: 11.28%
Mill rate based on 2017 Equalized Valuation (TID-OUT) of $2,772,590,002 with annual growth of:
2022 & There after..........2.00%
All tax impact estimates provided by financial consultants from Robert W. Baird & Co.